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Delicious Date and Oat Cookies

I have been on a health kick for a few years now after rapidly losing weight in hospital accidentally. It was the kick up the backside I needed to reassess what I was putting in my mouth and got me started on a massive health regime!

With the sweet addition of little bits of chopped dates these biscuits are hard to pass up for a snack!
Date and Oat Cookies

I started running and completed a 12km city to bay run in Adelaide with a cousin-in law of mine. I really had no idea five years ago that I would EVER be able to perform something as crazy as that!! I ended up losing 15 kilos in about 12 months and I have been on the war path ever since. I stumbled across these biscuits a couple of years ago in a free Coles magazine and have been making them ever since due to their low calorific content and their ease of making. I freeze them and when I am in need of a sweet treat I pull them straight from the freezer and munch away. They are only about 70 calories per biscuit as I have cut the butter and sugars right back. Anyway, have a go at making them and let me know what you think! Guilt free sweet treat here we are….

Date and Oat Cookies

You will need (and don’t forget to get your printable recipe above in the “recipes and blog” tab)

105g dried pitted dates, coarsely chopped

¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

2 ½ tablespoons of boiling water

100g butter, softened

50g caster sugar

50 g brown sugar

1 large egg (or 2 small eggs)

100g plain flour

1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

250g rolled oats

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius and line two baking trays with baking paper. Place the chopped dates, bicarb and hot water in a bowl and set aside to soak while you make the rest of the batter.

Date, bicarb and hot water soaking

Use an electric mixer to beat the butter and sugars together until pale and creamy. Add the egg and beat until just combined.

Stir in the flour (no need to sift!), cinnamon and oats then stir through the date mixture. It should still be quite a wet mixture.

Place about a dessert spoons worth of mixture on to the trays. I normally get 12 per tray. They don’t spread at all but you do need to leave a little gap between each biscuit.

Bake for about 11 mins (depending on your oven and size of your bickie) and then set aside to cool. I find 11 minutes is ample for my oven but just check after 10 in case it is too hot.

Cooked and ready to demolish

I place the cookies on a wire rack to completely cool and then freeze them in ziplock bags ready to take out and eat when hungry. The little knobs of chopped date make these cookies irresistible!

Have you ever had a scenario where it has kicked your life into gear and you have made rapid and sudden changes? I would love to hear from you.

If you would like a printable PDF version of the recipe then please click on the "recipe" tab and you will find it there.



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