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Moorish Macadamia Caramel Slice

Little known fact: I studied a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at the University of Melbourne at Parkville. It is so hard to believe that next year I will celebrate 20 years since I left school and went to University. It was one of the most amazing times of my life and I will cherish it forever. I am telling you this because the recipe for my macadamia caramel slice comes from my collection of recipes located in "Animal Science Volume Two". See, I had a subject called Animal Science back in 2002 and after the subject finished I tore out all of my notes and made the spare pages available to write in recipes, add in torn out newspaper articles on restaurants and stick in recipes printed out from various websites. It became Volume One! I am currently on Volume Three and all will be handed down to whoever is nicest to me in my life. He he he!!

I know you are here for my recipe for the above mentioned caramel slice so let's go:

Firstly, you will need the following ingredients (make sure you get your printed version from the printable recipes page above):


1 cup desiccated coconut

1 cup self-raising flour (or plain flour and 2 tsp of baking powder)

1 cup brown sugar

140g butter melted

Caramel Sauce

395g can Sweetened Condensed Milk

2 tbs golden syrup

½ cup cream

30g butter extra

150g macadamias chopped (or less if you like!)

This is the tin that I made it in:

24cm by 24cm Square Tin


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celcius and line your tin with baking paper after spraying with olive oil. I used a 24cm by 24cm square pan. Combine the coconut, flour, brown sugar and butter in a bowl. Stir and press into pan. Bake for 10 minutes. Whilst this is cooking make the caramel. I have made this mistake so many times before. You MUST use a BIGGER saucepan than what you would normally use to cook the caramel as it caramel bubbles quite a bit higher than you think and if your saucepan is small then it will overflow. Trust me.

Combine the condensed milk, golden syrup, cream and extra butter. Bring to the boil and let it simmer for 8 to 10 minutes (while the base cooks). Stir occasionally so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.

Once it has thickened pour over the base and sprinkle the nuts over the top. Bake for another 10 minutes. You can then drizzle with some melted chocolate but I find that it is already sweet enough!

Macadamia Caramel Slice

If you would like a printable PDF version of the recipe then please click on the "recipe" tab and you will find it there.



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The Farmer and the Cook
The Farmer and the Cook
Feb 22, 2019

Hi Helen! I'm not sure why I can't see any comments! Thank you so much for dropping in and writing a message. Lovely to hear from you. Anna


Helen Elsom
Helen Elsom
Feb 21, 2019

Hi, nice to meet you ! Love the look of this and will give it a go today.

I live in Brisbane and have been blogging for ten years though I've slowed down a lot over the last year. I love to read comments on people's blogs but yours don't seem to be there though I see there are lots ???

Cheers from Queensland

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