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More Pie Maker Recipes

Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing

I have been using my pie maker flat out lately. I don't know what it is about Kevin but he just seems to be able to produce the goods with little to no effort! I have updated the printable recipes above so you too can keep cooking from your pie maker. All of the recipes are adaptable to mini muffin trays for the oven too. 180 degrees and probably 10 to 12 minutes tops depending on your oven!

I have done a few sweet and savoury numbers so let's begin with some photos. Head to the printable document above for the ingredients and complete method.

Here are the cinnamon scrolls. Two ingredients were used to make the dough (self raising flour and Greek yogurt) and then some butter slathered on the rolled out dough with a cinnamon sugar mix sprinkled over the butter. Deeeelissshhh.

Here is a savoury one for you now. Prawn and Pork wontons (or Kevtons as Mr. Farmer called them). Served with an Asian Crunchy Noodle Salad (thanks Woolies!) dinner was done in a flash. It was a perfect Sunday night dinner after a big weekend.

Do you like poached eggs as much as I do? Well they are a cinch to cook in the pie maker. You literally crack eggs into the pie hole, make a coffee, cook some toast, change the loads of washing over in the machine, come back and your eggs will be perfectly cooked. Four minutes is all you need if your eggs are at room temperature!

You could also add some tinned spaghetti to your remaining pie holes but put them in muffin cases to help you get them out easily. A great tip that someone shared with me! Here is Charlie's feast from Saturday:

What about if you need a quick little sweet treat for when somebody drops around for a coffee. I swear these White Chocolate and Macadamia "Pookies" will do the trick. Super simple and very delicious.

I love to make tinned spaghetti jaffles when we go camping. I also love to make them at home but I hate the mess! A friend alerted me that you can cook the same thing in your pie maker. I can hear all of these collective sighs around the world. "Why didn't I think of that?". Ha ha!! Well I tried it on the weekend and they worked an absolute treat. No fuss and certainly no mess!

That is it for me for the minute! I have a few other ideas in the pipeline that I will share with you soon but I do hope you have found some inspiration here. Let me know what else you would like to see me cook or even if you try one of my recipes, please tell me how you went.

Until next time, happy cooking to you all.

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