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Naughty Nutella Chocolate Mousse

Have you got a spare 10 minutes? You may need to find it so you can make this super easy dessert. Your family and friends will thank you for it!

The easiest dessert you will ever make!
Nutella Mousse

Matilda is a chocaholic. If she could get away with eating chocolate for the three square meals of the day then she would. And then snack on chocolate in the meantime! Last week my sister sent me a screenshot of a delicious nutella chocolate mousse dessert and told me that I should make it for Matilda. They have just visited us here on the farm for the weekend and I think what she was really telling me was that I had to make it for her! I happily obliged after we finished shearing on Friday afternoon and this was the result. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Let's go:

Ingredients. Yep, only four. Plus some butter!

In a glass jug add the chopped dark chocolate (I smash it up whilst it is in the wrapper still) and 30 grams of butter. Microwave it in increments of 20 to 30 seconds until almost melted and then add the nutella. Give it a good stir, add the vanilla and let it cool a bit while you whip some cream. Whip 300ml of thickened cream until stiff.

Fold the chocolate mixture into the whipped cream and there you have it. No whipping eggwhites and gently folding them in. That is it!


Refrigerate for a few hours and serve with some strawberries and some shaved flake chocolate on top.

Naughty but nice

If you would like a printable PDF version of the recipe then please click on the "recipe" tab and you will find it there.



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