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Pesto Chicken Pasta

Do you guys, like me, have a standby dish that you seem to pull together at the last minute? I do, and this dish will be added to my list as it is super easy and super delicious.

Pesto Chicken Pasta

I was doing some grocery shopping the other day (gggrrooooaaannn) and I found a "packet" of chicken penne pasta with pesto and baby spinach. For $10 this may have fed my family but I wasn't sold on the ingredients. Sometimes those pre-packaged meals are full of nasties that you don't even think of. I decided that I would like a similar meal but I would cook it myself.

I purchased all the necessary ingredients that I needed to make this dish but I added in a few extras that I thought would make it extra tasty. It still probably cost me $10 (or under) but it actually fed the four of us plus two small lunches. Yay!

If you head to the "printable recipes" page just under Recipes and Blog (hover over this button) then you will find the recipe. By the time you boil your pasta your chicken should be cooked and you will be eating in about 15 minutes!

Quite a few of you have asked me for the recipe so I thought I would share it with you tonight in case you would like to try it over the weekend. Good luck and have a lovely weekend!

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