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The Best Beef Stroganoff

The Best Ever Beef Stroganoff

Do you love Australian classics like me? This super easy beef stroganoff uses pantry staples to create a main meal that leaves you licking the plate. It is a firm family favourite and you don't need a packet mix to get you cooking! Let's go:

Sometimes I search through the freezer for inspiration on what I am going to cook for dinner. We have rather a large freezer (two actually) so often it can take some time! On this occasion I was lucky enough to come across this portion of rump steak that had already been diced in readiness for unprepared dinner plans. Phew! One less thing to prepare. I had mushrooms that needed using and I had all of the ingredients I needed to make Beef Strog. Winner winner beef dinner!

Here are the ingredients that you will need:

Beef Stroganoff Ingredients


1 kilo of Rump Steak diced into strips or chunks

200g Mushrooms (button are fine but you could use whichever variety you prefer)

1 onion – diced or thinly sliced

Seasoned flour for coating beef (black bowl above) – 2 tbs plain flour, 1stp white pepper, 1 tsp smoked paprika, pinch of salt

Spice mix (white bowl above) – 1 tsp each of smoked paprika , onion powder, garlic powder, dried thyme and oregano, cumin and coriander powder

2 cups of beef stock

1/4 cup of Brandy and 2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce

2 Tbs Tomato Paste (I had none so I used pizza sauce in this instance)

2 Tbs Dijon mustard

3 Tbs Sour cream to finish it off

Rice, pasta or mashed potato to serve

Mix your seasoned flour and coat the beef with it thoroughly. Add some oil to a non-stick pan and fry the onion until just cooked. Add the beef and stir continuously until it browns and has yummy sticky bits on it and the bottom of the pan.

Browned Coated Beef

Splash some brandy in the pan (about ¼ cup) and let it cook away for a few minutes. Then add the stock, mushrooms, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, spice mix and tomato paste. Let it all simmer and cook for about 10 minutes adding some water if it gets too thick.

Once it looks delicious and ready to eat, turn off the heat and add three tablespoons (or however much you want really) of sour cream and stir it around. Try not to cook the sour cream for too long as it will separate and go a bit yucky! You can add some chopped parsley here too if you like it.

Serve it with rice, pasta or mashed potato and some steamed veggies. Some fresh parsley on top is a great addition but not necessary if you don’t have any.

Are there any Australian Classics that you just can't go past? Would you like me to recreate them for you?!

If you would like a printable PDF version of the recipe then please click on the "recipe" tab and you will find it there.



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