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Zippy Zucchini and Carrot "Pitters"

Zucchini, Carrot, Ham and Cheese Fritters Cooked in Kevin

OK everyone, the wait is over. May I present to you my zucchini, carrot and ham fritters. It literally took me about ten minutes to get the mixture together and then you can cook how ever many you need depending on your time budget. And talking about budget, these are super cheap to make! Most of the ingredients are sitting in your fridge or pantry and the other ingredients aren't too hard to purchase fresh. I actually cheated when I made mine as I had leftover grated carrot to use up (you can buy this at leading supermarkets here in Australia) and some zucchinis and ham were staring at me every time I opened the fridge.

Head up to the top of the page and click on Recipes and Blog - Printable Recipes for your PDF version of this recipe. Give them a go and let me know what you think!

This is how I made them:

Mix grated zucchini, carrot and cheddar cheese together with 200 grams of tinned corn (you can buy these little cans at Aldi), chopped ham and two spring onions chopped.

Add two eggs (no need to whisk these prior to putting in your bowl), one cup of milk and stir. Add in one and a quarter cup of self raising flour, a dash of mixed herbs, salt and pepper, some sweet chilli sauce and sriracha, if you like it spicy, mix it thoroughly and turn on your pie maker. If you don’t have a pie maker then preheat oven to 180 degrees and spray a mini muffin tray. Fill to three quarters of the tray and bake for about 10 minutes.

Place mixture into your pie holes and only fill to about three quarters. Shut the lid and cook for four minutes. I then flip my machine over and cook for another four minutes. If you don't feel comfortable doing this then flip the fritters in the machine and cook for another four minutes.

I like to serve mine with extra sweet chilli sauce. Charlie took a container to school with him for lunch and devoured three at each sitting!

I also took these to a meeting for an afternoon snack and everyone was delighted to have something that wasn't sweet.

I hope you get a chance to make these and let me know what you think. You could always freeze them for later too. Happy cooking!

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